New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj on Saturday said the party MLAs are expecting that they will get answers to all their questions in the Delhi Assembly during the monsoon session starting on Monday.
Bhardwaj, also party’s chief spokesperson, said the MLAs are hoping that the IAS officers will provide the answers.
Among the main issues to be raised by the party MLAs will be the installation of CCTVs across the city, doorstep delivery of ration and implementation of the IIT-Delhi report on waterlogging in the city.
In the last two Assembly sessions, the MLAs were unable to get answers of the questions raised by them.
In the special session held in June, Speaker Ram Niwas Goel had referred the matter to the Privilege Committee as principal secretaries failed to give some answers even after repeated warnings.
The monsoon session of the Assembly will start on Monday and will continue till August 10.