The day-long nation-wide bandh called by trade unions today evoked a mixed response in Andhra Pradesh while bus services partially affected. All financial institutions including banks and insurance companies were affected and government services and services in private companies were partially hit following the strike called by the Central Trade Unions.
Shops, business establishments and educational institutions were also partially affected in the state while the work at industries located at Visakhapatnam, Khammam, Karimnagar, Nellore and in the state capital was also partially affected with the workers affiliated to different trade unions participating in the strike demanding to put an end to contract labour and seeking a hike in minimum wages among other things. Activists from the different unions blocked buses in the morning at various bus depots in the state but the state-owned Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) operated services as usual and only a section of autorickshaws went off the roads. UNI