Hyderabad: CM of Telangana State, Mr. KCR has been paying special attention to the development of the capital city of the State, Hyderabad. He allocated Rs. 1 lakh crore under “Mission Hyderabad” for this purpose.
It may be noted that after the formation of separate Telangana State, Mr. KCR started Mission Bhagirata and Mission Kakatiya which are being implemented successfully.
It is proposed to provide tap connections to supply drinking water to every house. He has consulted some MLAs in this regard and instructed them to prepare a roadmap.
It may be noted that Rs. 40000 crore was allocated for Mission Bhagirata for providing drinking water to every house. Rs. 25000 crore has been allocated for repairing 40000 tanks in the state. It is expected that the level of groundwater would increase and many acres of land would be brought under cultivation.
It may be mentioned that the ground reality is that during the rainy season, roads get blocked and traffic gets jammed. The drainage pipelines laid during the tenure of Nizam VII have been damaged. All these are the stumbling blocks in the development of Hyderabad.
Govt. is making an attempt to take loans from financial institutions, Indian banks and foreign agencies.
In November, this year, the first phase of the metro train would be launched. The plan to extend its second phase is ready. In addition to this, under this project, strategic road developments, construction of flyovers, skyways, counter magnet roads to connect adjoining cities, latest bus bays parking, public toilets etc. are in the pipeline.
In order to promote tourism, star hotels, supermalls and stalls would be encouraged. Beautification of Husain Sagar, conservation of historical places, construction of new buildings including cultural centers, theme parks, modern vegetable and meat markets, mini community halls and good traffic junctions are the other facets of this mission.
–Siasat News