Gwalior: Two Madhya Pradesh policemen found their former colleague begging on the footpath, who had disappeared around 15 years ago. He was found to be mentally disturbed.
According to the information received here, Deputy Superintendent of Police Ratnesh Singh Tomar and his colleague Vijay Bhadoriya were on bypolls duty for the last few days.
On the day of vote counting on November 10, when both of them were passing through Jhansi Road, they noticed a middle-aged beggar shivering in cold on the footpath.
Both the officers stopped their vehicles with the intent to help. Ratnesh gave his shoes to the beggar while Vijay offered him his jacket. They also held some conversations with the beggar.
After the chat, things changed dramatically. While talking to the beggar, the officers realised that he was their former colleague Manish Mishra.