New Delhi: The body of a 23-year-old man, that had been eaten by animals, was found with stab injuries in south Delhi’s Ambedkar Nagar, the police said today. The deceased, Danish, used to work as a labourer at an under-construction building in South Extension. He had left home for work on March 10 but did not return home, they added. Police said that he was addicted to smack and ganja and would often stay away from home for a couple of days.
“He would not return home for days and many a times, he would be found sleeping in the nearby jungle. The family assumed that it is his habit to stay away from home and did not file a complaint,” said a senior police officer.
During investigation, it was learnt that Danish had reported for work on March 10 and 11. Yesterday, his body was found near a place inhabited by pigs.
A man saw several pigs surrounding his body and informed the police around 10 am yesterday.
His body had been eaten by animals. The autopsy was carried out today at AIIMS which suggested that he was stabbed to death and his body eaten by animals.
Police said that his mother had committed suicide around 10 years ago and since then he was depressed. He had got addicted to drugs after his mother’s death. Danish’s father had remarried. He would often rebuke his son for his drug addiction. His family said that he was fond of singing.
Police suspect that he was killed by fellow drug addicts who might have got into a brawl with him. They have zeroed in on some suspects and are probing the matter.