Hyderabad: According to the data released by National Crime Records Bureau, in 2016, a total of 4700 children went missing from Telangana State. Of these numbers, they constitute 1,779 males and 2,921 females.
Of the 4700 children, only 1021 children (377 males and 644 females) were traced. Still 3,679 children, including 1,402 males and 2,277 females, are untraced.
Delhi tops the list with 14,661 children missing (6,125 males and 8,536 females) . It is followed by Madhya Pradesh with 12,068 children missing (3,446 males and 8,622 females).
The data also revealed the number of children missing from A.P and Tamilnadu with 3324 and 5801 cases respectively.
The Police Officials say that the prime reason for children missing is abduction and fleeing from home.
According to Dr Diana Monteiro, a counselling psychologist “The most common reason is the conflict with parents, which they do not know how to handle. So, assuming that they can lead a better life, they run away. Because of their young age, they chose the option of running away from the problems in life.”
Noted Psychologists say that “Good parenting is the key. In most of the cases, they run away to fulfill their dream of becoming a sportsperson or a film star. Had there been a healthy conversation, the situation would not have arrived.”