Miss Universe India accused of ‘twagerism’

New Delhi, September 02: All thanks to Miss Universe contestant, we now have a new word to add to our vocabulary-twagerism.

The act of stealing someone else’s tweets to make you look more intelligent, yes that’s what ‘twagerism’ is.

According to news.com.au, the new word was coined from claims that a Miss Universe contestant “borrowed” tweets originally published by a newspaper columnist.

Miss Universe India, Vasuki Sunkavalli, in her Twitter profile and updates seemed to have a good grasp on politics and current affairs. We now know the source of her knowlegde.

In one of her tweet, she wrote about the Indian proposal for an anti-corruption ombudsman. “Only in India can you lead a movement to add an extra layer of unweildy regulation to fix a problem caused by too much unweildy regulation.”

The columnist coludn’t help but spot the strong resemblance. He then found 7 of her 29 tweets were his own.

Dhume took to the twitterverse and accused the beauty pageant contestant of “twagerism”.

To her defence Ms Sunkavalli said she was unaware of the etiquette of “retweeting”.

“It wasnt accidental. can’t possibly cut copy AND paste accidentally now can I just dint know the technical know how of ‘retweeting’, ” she wrote.

Dhume knew it was a battle he should let go and tweeted it as a “tempest in a teapot”, admitting Ms Sunkavalli looked better than he did in a swimsuit.
