An eight-year-old girl, student of Class 2, was allegedly raped inside the premises of a North Delhi Municipal Corporation school here. Three people have been detained for questioning, police said on Friday.
The attack took place Thursday afternoon at the North Delhi civic committees’s school in Mangolpuri area when the child went there to eat her midday meal.
“The victim’s parents came to know about the rape after she was found bleeding,” a police official said.
The girl was taken to the Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital where medical examination confirmed rape.
“A case has been registered and school authorities are being questioned,” the official added.
In her statement to police, the girl said the attacker was not known to her.
Demanding swift action against culprits, residents of Mangolpuri staged a three-hour demonstration outside the local police station Friday morning, leading to traffic chaos in the area. Police had to use batons to disperse the crowds.