Hyderabad: A shameful incident of raping a minor girl came to light on Monday, in which an eleven-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a 50-year-old auto rickshaw driver at his house in Kalapathar area. The girl was the student of 4th class in a Govt. school. Her parents had recently moved into a rented-house near ITI ground.
The accused, identified as Mohammed Aslam who also lived in the neighbourhood lured the girl with chocolates and biscuits after she went to his house to play with his grand-daughter and raped her.
The shameless man allegedly raped her on three occasions and threatened to kill her on disclosing the incident. The girl disclosed it to the parents after which parents lodged complaint in Kalapathar police station.
The victim has been shifted to the hospital for medical examination. A case was booked against Aslam, who is absconding and efforts are on to nab him.