New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Uttar Pradesh Police to hand over the investigation records to the Delhi police by September 2 of a case related to the missing of a 13-year old girl from Gorakhpur, who remains untraced for the last two months.
A Bench of Justices AM Khanwilkar, Hrishikesh Roy, and CT Ravikumar also directed the Delhi Police Commissioner to oversee the investigation.
The mother of the missing girl has filed the habeas corpus writ petition in the apex court while voicing the apprehension that the girl might be sexually abused or be trafficked into the sex trade. She suspects a Delhi resident to be the kidnapper.
The apex court expressed unhappiness on the failure of the UP Police in tracing the girl and directed the Gorakhpur police to share the entire investigation records to Malviya Nagar Police here by Thursday.
The counsel appearing for the UP police told the Bench that it is taking diligent steps and the investigation’s pace is affected due to the inter-state ramifications.
The petitioner, a domestic maid in Delhi, in the plea said that the suspect had been trying to lure and seduce her minor daughter for long and she had lodged a complaint in the Malviya Nagar Police station in Delhi.
The mother’s plea said that while she was with her husband’s family at Gorakhpur along with her daughters, the eldest daughter went missing. She said her younger daughter overheard certain phone conversations between the suspect and her sister, where the former was threatening her with dire consequences if she did not come to his flat in Delhi. The girl went missing soon after the conversation.
The petitioner alleged that though a complaint was made before the Gorakhpur police soon after the girl went missing, they did not take any prompt steps.