IT & MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao today declared that the old Hyderabad city will be developed in a phased manner. Inaugurating a new bus depot at Faruq Nagar, built at a cost of Rs 8 crore in 6.1 acres along with Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahamood Ali, Transport Minister P Mahender Reddy, Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi, Mayor Bonthu Rammohan and others, KTR said the TRS government was giving priority to development of the old city. “We will focus on resolving the issues in the old city and take all measures for developing the localities”, KTR declared. With a fleet of 12 buses the new bus depot will make 160 trips covering 3,240 km everyday. KTR said the government has allotted huge funds in the budget for development of the old city. He also said the works on double bedroom housing scheme are going on in a speedy manner. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was committed to welfare of the poor and keen on developing backward areas”, he said. Stating that “Amma Vodi KCR Kits” program will begin from June 2 to help pregnant women and child on delivery, he said Shadi Mubarak scheme giving Rs 75,116 towards marriage of poor Muslim girls was proving highly beneficial. Deputy Chief Minister Alhaj Mohammed Mehood Ali, Transport Minsiter Mahendar Reddy, Mayor Greater Hyderabad Bonthu Ram Mohan, Deputy Mayor Baba Fasi Uddin, Chairmen Setwin Mir Inayath Ali Baquri, Local MP, MLAs, and Corporators can also be seen. (Photo: