External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Thursday confirmed that the identification process for Indian casualties in the stampede during a Haj pilgrimage in Mina is underway and said that it would take 24 hours after which the identities of the victims will be disclosed.
“Our embassy officials have reported that the process of identification of bodies is on. This will take at least 24 hours. After this, the Saudi authorities will disclose their identity with photographs,” Swaraj tweeted.
She added that the Indian volunteers have reached the accident spot in large numbers and are assisting the local authorities.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) had said earlier unconfirmed reports revealed that three Indians have died in the stampede, which has so far left over 700 people dead and 800 others injured.
President Pranab Mukherjee, Vice President Mohammed Hamid Ansari and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have expressed grief over the loss of lives in the stampede in Mina. (ANI)