Hyderabad: Giving a jolt to the ruling TRS, the Congress snatched away the Tandur municipality chairperson’s seat from the TRS-MIM combine after MIM councillors revolted and supported Congress-TD combine. It must be recalled the TRS and MIM had entered into post-poll alliance for the municipal council in May 2014. The agreement included sharing of posts of chairman and vice-chairman for 2.5 years each.
However after the completion of 2.5 years when it was turn of the MIM to take over the chairman’s post, MIM councillors revolted against TRS and supported Congress for the chairperson’s post, the election for which was held on Saturday.
Congress candidate Sunitha won the chairperson’s post while MIM won vice-chairman post.
It must be recalled that the TRS and MIM had won 10 seats each in Tandur municipality in May 2014, while Congress had got eight seats and two seats each going to the TD and BJP.