Hyderabad: MLA of All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (AIMIM) referred to PV Sindhu as a volleyball player during the 5K run held on Friday at Charminar. While inaugurating the run the Member of the Legislative Assembly from Yaqutpura Constituency thanked the organisers and other dignitaries present on the dais. He was perplexed when he was about to take PV Sindhu’s name. He was also seen whispering into the ears of Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Mahmood Ali before saying thus “We are thankful to PV Sindhu, the volleyball player who has represented Hyderabad on an international platform.”
However the Olympic silver medalist badminton player took the misrepresentation light and was seen smiling at the moment. It must be noted that Sindhu’s parents are former volleyball players.
The blunder made by the MIM MLA exposes the lack of knowledge of our leaders regarding non-political affairs.