Bollywood King Khan’s wife Gauri Khan, stepped into commercial interior designing with The Design Cell in 2013. Her store collection speaks about her travel stories and her exquisite designs exhibit elegance and emotions.
Holds an Associate Art Degree in Interior Designing from Brooks College, Long Beach, California. She is a well-known stylist in interior designing in India. The stylists has an encouraging story about how she came up with her design store –The Charcoal Project.
The former actress and wife of Akshay Kumar, now a noted author got into the world of interior designing with the famous interior designer Gurlein Manchanda. She is the founder of The White Window and also the Co-Chief Executive officer of the store
Wife of Booby Deol, holds a professional interior designing degree, started her career with ‘The Good Earth’ home décor store.
Mana Shetty
Wife of Suniel Shetty, Mana comes from a family of interior designers, has her own business of home accessories and furniture store named R House.