Milad Raza Qadri world Famous Naatkhan First time in India, Hyderabad is being welcomed n his arrival at Minhaj Ul Quran head quarters to address Media persons in old city on Thursday. in picture Maulana Syed Hasnain Pasha Quadri President MQI T.S,Maulana Muhammed Khan Quadri Director Minhaj Naat Council of India and others. World Famous Naatkhan will be performing on 6th of January 2018 at historic Charminar, He is in city for One month and going to performs in various places in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh . Born in Glasgow, UK on 25th March 1990, Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri started reciting Nasheeds at the age of three. (Photos: Laeeq)
Milad Raza Qadri first time in Hyderabad