Men prefer no-spectacle look while meeting potential partner

Indian men prefer to avoid a bespectacled look when they meet their potential partner for the first time, according to a new survey.

The reason is that they believe that it will ruin their marriage prospects, indicates the survey conducted on 7,200 respondents by matrimonial portal site

As many as 34.66 percent of the men surveyed said they prefer a no-spectacle look while meeting their potential partner, while 39.92 percent Indian women said that they would wear spectacles during their first meeting, said a statement.

Also, when Indian women were asked about what they were put off by in men they met for the first time, 56.51 percent of them said body odour, followed by 32.04 percent women who were put off by bad breath while for 11.45 percent women dandruff was a major put off.

When Indian men were asked the same in regard to women, 61.28 percent of them said women who talk loudly put them off, followed by 24.02 percent men who don’t like women who wear a lot of make-up for their first meeting while 14.07 percent men said they are put off by “badly painted nails”.

According to Gourav Rakshit, chief operating officer,, the “survey indicates that despite changing times and lifestyle, first impression is still very important when a boy and girl meet for the first time”.IANS