Hyderabad: Rajath Kumar, CEO, while interacting with the media before the meeting at GHMC Head Office said that a meeting is being conducted with all the ROs, EROs and connected Election officials in connection with the ensuing Parliament Elections with regard to Hyderabad urban area where altogether 24 Assembly Constituencies are there what all the arrangements to be taken care while conducting the Parliament elections will be discussed in the meeting where Dana Kishore, DEO & Commissioner, GHMC, Budda Prakash, Addl. CEO, Collectors of Medchel and Ranga Reddy Districts will also be participating in the meeting at GHMC Head Office today.
The main aim of the meeting is how the electoral rolls to be taken proper care, where lot of complaints have been received for deletion of the names of most of the citizens for this purpose necessary procedures will be followed how to sort out the issues, how to cover these type of problems etc., will be discussed in the meeting, Handling of EVMs etc., proper training has to be given to the concerned officials and staff for smooth functioning and clear transparency following all the prescribed procedures of the ECI.
For conduct of elections what all the basic minimum facilities arrangements which are being made at the Polling Stations especially for physically challenged and disabled persons will also be planned for the convenience of the voters. As seen in the last elections 90% of the work with regard to polling stations have been done remaining will be taken on priority this time, with perfect enrollment. The same EVMs etc., will be utilized for the ensuing elections according to need extra will procure from the ECI.
Final rolls will be published on February 22 nd claims and objections which are being received till 25 th January for enrollment even after it will be accepted up to April 2019, letters have also been planned to every household. People who enroll on or before January 25 even after then there will be no problem said the DEO.
Instead of January 25 till February 4 date extension has been planned and placed before the ECI. Basing on the instructions it will be done. Enrollment can be done till final nominations day if there are some changes like name, age, sex, address etc., will be properly handled said the DEO.
On January 25, a new portal will be launching where citizens can know the information on phone about the status of the rolls etc., names in the rolls should be enrolled only at one place either at Telangana or at Andhra double registration will be criminal offence, said the CEO.