Meet Salman Khan, one of the most influential men on the planet

Salman Amin Khan is a Bangladeshi Indian educator from America. Khan is the sole founder of world’s number one Virtual Academy called Khan Academy, an online Academy with 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube with an ever increasing number. He started out as a tutor for his cousin Nadia and uploaded videos on YouTube, so she could learn from them. But soon his voice took over the world causing an unexpected revolution in education. Khan is nicknamed as the Messiah of Maths. He used to be a Hedge Fund analyst before he started working on YouTube. But just for the sake of providing free education to the world, his wife asked him to quit his only job and work on Khan Academy instead. Considering advice without a second thought, Khan quit his job and started working on Khan Academy. Despite the lack of financial resources and his family lived in a state of poverty over a year. Today Salman Khan is one of the most influential men on the planet. He has 60 million registered students on his website, and Bill Gates happens to be one of them. Up until now, Khan has received 9 million donations from Bill Gates, 11 million from Google. Bill Gates believes Khan is the teacher to the world