Hyderabad: Chief Electoral Officer, Dr Rajath Kumar today suggested to the contesting political leaders to submit genuine details to the Election Commission and warned of criminal case and action if wrong information is filed. There was an increase of 20 per cent of paid news and a panel will be formed in districts to check the same, he said.
He suggested the media including print and electronic to stop propagating hate and intolerable speech. During a workshop on media role on elections, Rajat Kumar asked
the media to avoid hate speech and news that will provoke people on the basis of caste, community or religion.
The meeting gets importance ahead of Loko Sabha polls. The role of Journalists is key to the people and also for the political parties, and information should be objective in manner and not baseless speculations and rumours. He said that steps will be taken to correct data that maligns the image of the candidates or a political party. Media has to focus on the opinion polls or elections with accurate data.
The CEO asked the candidates in fray to submit Form-26 with correct information and the EC is vigilant of paid news. He said that 1,403 cases of paid news registered so far during the 2018 Assembly elections with 20 per cent rise. He observed that some publications favour some political parties and it can’t be considered as paid news and specific news about candidates and similar promotion in multiple publications can be considered.
Rajat Kumar said that voters awareness programs will be conducted informing voters about the voting process and details. He also said the media should avoid airing any final, formal and definite results until EC declare them officially.