Hyderabad: ‘Media Plus Auditorium’ was inaugurated at Jamia Nizamia Complex, Gun Foundry Hyderabad on March 24. Mufti Mohammed Khaleel Ahmed Shaikh ul Jamia inaugurated the auditorium. Mr. Syed Viqaruddin, editor Rehnuma-e-Deccan, Siasat editor, Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Leader of opposition in Telangana Legislative Assembly Mr. Mohammed Ali Shabbir, Mr. Zafar Javeed, Secretary, Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society attended as guests of honour.
Media Plus Auditorium has a seating capacity of 125 persons. It is sound proof and has screen and projector facility. It is suitable for every kind of function, like felicitation function, book release function, get-together, seminar, symposium, press conference quiz competition, congregation, etc.
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