Media must be the messenger of peace, says noted academic and journalist K G Suresh

Hyderabad: Media has a huge responsibility towards the nation building process as the fourth pillar of Democracy and without peace this can’t be achieved. Peace among the communities and society is the responsibility of media and for this dissemination of information should be based on fact not on truth. “Truth can be different from person to person as per their point of view, but the fact will remain the same,” Prof. K G Suresh, Vice-Chancellor, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism & Communication, Bhopal said.

He expressed these and other views on Tuesday while describing media as a bridge between society and the government in an online lecture at Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU).
Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice Chancellor, MANUU presided over.
The lecture was organised by the Instructional Media Centre (IMC), of MANUU. The title of the lecture was “Media for Peace” under MANUU knowledge enrichment lecture series.

Prof. Suresh, who has served as the Director General of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, divided the media into Pre and Post google eras. He expressed the need to carry out proper homework before disseminating news, since media have great responsibility to maintain peace.

Prof. Suresh said that earlier the media did not mention the names of any community in religious conflicts.  However, he expressed dismay over the current scenario where the TRP has taken over the truth.