Former IPS officer and social activist Kiran Bedi on Sunday said media has made people legally aware and conscious, and has highlighted the flaws of the justice system. Talking about the sexual assault case filed against former Tehelka editor Tarun Tejpal she said, “Ever since Nirbhaya’s case, there is a change in the criminal justice system. Thanks to the media, there has been an awareness generated. India is legally illiterate. Laws are not taught in schools and colleges unless you go to Law school. Nirbhaya’s case made people legally conscious and aware. It highlighted the flaws of our legal justice system. Laws have also been strengthened, thanks to the civil society and women organizations,” “Social, print and TV media have been platforms for legal debates fighting for the victim’s rescue. There is balance now. Earlier the defence used to have a free run. But now people can see who is lying and who is not. But now as the rights and responsibilities of the victim and the accused are now balanced, the victims have started to speak up. Earlier there were debates about the Human Rights of the accused, but it is all balanced. This is true justice,” she added. Responding to questions on allegations that the case has been politicized, she said, “People are seeing evidence today through media. So when you attribute a motive, it is immediately rubbished. When you commit, then there is no politicization. It is done later. And this what the defence lawyers argues. It is a challenging moment for lawyers, as they have to know, when to stop lying. People want lawyers to be lawyers and not liars. Lawyers will also have to rise above and look for quality defence, as people know what is the truth,” (ANI)