New Delhi: Union Sports Minister Vijay Goel expressed his unhappiness on Friday over insanitation in the city and alleged that the civic bodies and Delhi government “do not work” to maintain cleanliness. “They do not work. MCD does not work, PWD and Delhi government do not work. It’s such a big system that if everyone does work cleanliness can be maintained,” Goel said at an award function to felicitate persons associated with cleanliness movements in the country.
Highlighting the achievements of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Goel said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sent across a “message” and now people have started thinking about cleanliness. “The Prime Minister has given a message. People have started thinking about things like littering. Even if you don’t pick up a piece of paper and lodge it in a dustbin you think it should be there,” he said.
Emphasising the role of people in realising the dream of clean India, the Minister said that he himself dreamt of a project wherein a special 15-day campaign was launched by all the agencies including MCDs, NDMC, and DDA to make the city clean. Many representatives of NGOs working in the field of sanitation in different parts of the country were felicitated by the Minister during the programme organised by Delhi Study Group.