MBA student attacked by group of 7 at eatery in Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow: A group of men attacked an MBA student when he and his roommate were having food at a dhaba in Gudamba police circle here.

The incident took place on February 8 but was reported on Saturday evening.

The victim, Abid of Darbhanga district in Bihar, is pursuing his MBA from a private university.

On the fateful day, Abid and his friend Sajid were having a meal at a dhaba near Pradhan Dharam Kanta when one Siddharth Singh along with 6-7 aides drove in an SUV to the dhaba looking for Abid.

Soon after they spotted Abid, they beat him mercilessly. “They opened 6-7 rounds of firing inside the dhaba with an intention to kill me. I ducked to save my life by hiding under the tables. In the melee, I dropped my iPhone and a gold chain somewhere,” he said.

Abid told police he had a verbal spat with Siddharth earlier.