Warning against burning trash on roadside in the city, mayor Hyderabad Bonthu Rammohan said that stringent action would be taken against the sanitation staff and citizens if they are found burning the collected garbage in the open.
He told this at a meeting on sanitation held with GHMC officials here on Friday, the mayor said that some sanitation workers, after collecting the garbage, were not disposing it of properly and, instead, burning it thereby causing pollution and inconvenience to people.
He informed that the National Green Tribunal banned burning of garbage in open areas. He further warned that stringent action would be initiated against the sanitation workers and people found violating the orders for the first time. Heavy penalty will be levied if the offence is committed for a second time. If the violations are continued they will be suspended.
The mayor also said that action would be taken against commercial establishments if they were found dumping garbage in open places and nalas. He suggested the GHMC officials to install CCTV cameras at garbage points to keep a watch on violators.