NEW DELHI: In the run-up to the last and final phase of the Lok Sabha polls, BSP chief Mayawati on Tuesday accused BJP of not fulfilling election promises while asserting that even Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has stopped supporting the party fearing public backlash.
According to Hindustan Times report, it emerges that the BJP’s ideological parent is actually trying to play an active role primarily on West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, MP and Punjab to ensure that the voting percentage in the state increases during the Lok Sabha elections.
Now, with just 59 seats left in the sixth phase of Lok Sabha elections, the organisation has been working on the ground to boost canvassing.
“There were some changes in the style of canvassing this time. Apart from the traditional door-to-door campaigning that was buttressed with digital outreach, Sangh cadres reached out through frontal groups of professionals and entrepreneurs, and to influencers in each constituency to convey their message,” said a functionary privy to the meeting, as per Hindustan Times reports.
The BSP supremo said in Lucknow that she could not see RSS workers “anywhere in the election [campaign]”.
Speaking to ANI, Mayawati said, “It is known to everyone now that Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government is losing. It is evident from the fact that even RSS has left supporting them. Owing to public anger over non-fulfillment of poll-promises, RSS workers are not visible to us campaigning for BJP anywhere. Because of this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is nervous and facing a hard time.”
Exuding confidence of doing well in the ongoing general elections, Mayawati said people have experienced “enough deceit due to dual-character of some leaders”.
“But this time, it is not going to happen,” she added.
The last phase of polling will be held on May 19 and results will be declared on May 23.
With inputs from ANI