Taking a dig at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati, ongress leader Rajiv Shukla on Friday said the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Government in the state is terrified of Rahul Gandhi and eventually suffering from his ‘phobia’.
Reacting to reports of Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi’s posters being removed in Uttar Pradesh by the state administration, Shukla said: “The Mayawati government is terrified of Rahul Gandhi. They are suffering from Rahul Phobia. If Rahul Gandhi says something, then they get worried, if Rahul Gandhi addresses a rally, then they are worried, if posters of Rahul Gandhi are pasted, then they get worried. So, they are worried about the increased popularity of Rahul Gandhi.”
“So, Mayawati government is removing his posters and trying to trouble him by registering cases and filing an FIR against him. The FIR registered in Kanpur is because of political reasons and is politically motivated,” he added.
Rahul Gandhi, who has become the face of the Congress Party in Uttar Pradesh, is leaving no stones unturned in drawing the attention of the voters towards his party. Gandhi, who also has been holding public meeting and rallies across the state to influence the potential voters, is banking on the path of progress and development in the state.
The Uttar Pradesh polls are being viewed as an opportunity for major political parties to re-establish their foothold in the country’s fifth largest and most populous state. new 403-member state assembly will be elected in March. The poll results will broadly indicate trends for the 2014 general elections.