Day after the BJP formally announced its alliances in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra for the 2019 Lok Sabha election, Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati on Wednesday took a dig at the ruling party.
BJP and Shiv Sena in Maharashtra have come together for the upcoming elections where 48 Lok Sabha seats are at stake, Sena has agreed to contest on 23 seats, while 25 seats will go the BJP. The two parties have also agreed to contest the coming Assembly elections as allies.
The pre-poll alliance between BJP and AIADMK in Tamil Nadu was sealed but the official announcement is yet to be made likely to be declared next week.
While taking a dig at BJP, Ms Mayawati asked if forming alliances in Bihar, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu in a state of “prone helplessness” reflected the “strong leadership” of the BJP.
Ms Mayawati took on Twitter and said that in reality, the BJP is “so fearful” of the SP-BSP alliance that it has to desperately run from pillar to post to form alliances.
The 130 crore people of the country “won’t forgive it any cost ” no matter how much the BJP scrambles during election time since many were suffering due to its anti-poor, anti-labourer, anti-farmer and anti-people policy and arrogant attitude, said Ms Mayawati.
She further added that “People will crush their arrogance during the election and this government will have to go.”