Mausam Hai Aashiqana…Do not kill our language

Ye raat ye khaamoshi, ye khwaab se nazaare
Jugnu hain ya zamin par utare huye hain taare
Bekhaab meri ankheiN, madahosh hai zamaana

My dear Indians,
Don’t kill our enchantingly beautiful language Urdu. Don’t you get the goose bumps every time you hear such melodious songs as the one I have shared above? Don’t you take pride in the very fact that this daughter of the motherland India has enriched our literary and cultural heritage? Learn it if you have not learnt it yet. Do anything, but pass this heritage on to your children too. If it dies, a part of our beautiful country will die too.

There are many centres/schools/agencies/online courses, both government-run and private, across the country which teach Urdu. If you still don’t know how to learn it, tell me. I will try to do everything that I can to ensure that you learn the language which gave us, besides so many other things, the revolutionary slogan Inquilab Zindabad. And what did many of our freedom fighters do when they came face-to-face with the British imperialists? They cried out Ram Prasad Bismil’s or that of Bismil Azimabadi’ lines:

Sarfroshi ki tammana ab hamare dil mein hai/
Dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qatil mein hai.