Hyderabad: Special Cell of Delhi Police interrogated Maulana Zakir Husain Ghouri and Maulana Hamid Ahmed in connection with the alleged transfer of Arms case. Rahmath Pasha a resident of Golconda was arrested by the Special Cell of Delhi Police at New Delhi Railway Station during the transfer of Arms from UP. During interrogation, Rahmath had made a reference to Maulana Zakir Husain Ghouri and Maulana Hamid Ahmed that he had connections with them.
Delhi Police arrived in Hyderabad and interrogated these two person with the help of Commissioner of Task Force of Hyderabad. Police found that the allegations made by Rahmath were fake and hence these two persons were exonerated. After this action of the police the organizers of Muslims Madrasas felt happy. Mr. Amjadullah Khan Khalid, former Municipal Corporator of MBT had made a representation in this regard and had also threatened the police that in case of punishing the innocent people strong protest would be lodged.
–Siasat News