New Delhi: Amidst the ongoing mob lynching incidents and Hindu Muslim hate crimes, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has decided to promote Hindu Muslim unity. In this connection, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind president Maulana Arshad Madani are likely to address a joint press conference in which they will both convey the message of unity.
Literary circles have hailed the one-and-a-half-hour-long meeting of Maulana Madani and Mohan Bhagwat.
Ex-Chairman of National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Justice Suhail Eijaz Siddiqui, former MP and noted journalist Shahid Siddiqui and General Secretary Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Maulana Mahmood Madani have welcomed the move.