Maulana Jalaluddin Umari demise a great loss of Muslims

Hyderabad: A condolence meeting was organized in Delhi Monday by  Jamaat -e- Islami Hind (JIH) on the sad demise of ex-JIH Amir (Chief)  Maulana Jalaluddin Umri. Various Scholars and intellectuals paid homage to Maulana and termed his demise as a great loss to Muslim Ummat. 

Addressing the condolence meeting the current chief of Jamaat-e-Islami Syed Saadatullah Hussaini said that Maulana had continued with his writings in spite of the heavy responsibility of leading the JIH and amidst the  Dawat activities.

“Maulana Jalaluddin Umari was an outstanding author and his books have been published in various languages,”  the current JIH Chief said and added, “Generally Maulana wrote about the burning issues on which very few people have written. His writings were always in the light of Holy Quran, Hadees and reference to the well known earlier Islamic writers in the light of modern Sciences.”

“Maulana Umari joined Jamaat-e-Islami in his youth days and was connected with Jamat’s Central leadership.   Maulana played an important role in addressing burning issues faced by Muslims in the country. The vacuum created by his demise is difficult to fill.  It is the responsibility of the young generation to follow in his footsteps to advance the Islamic Dawaat,” JIH Chief said.

Mufti Abdul Razzak of Jamiatul Ulema Hind described Maulana Jalaluddin Umri as a Muslim intellectual.

The Amir of Central Jamiathe Ahale Hadis Chief Imam Asgar salfi said authoring many books is a great achievement of late Maulana.

The condolence meeting was also addressed by Prof. Akhtar ul Wasi, All India Muslim Mushawara Chief Naveed Hamid, Secretary all India Shia  Council Maulana Agha Jalal Haider Naqvi, Indian national League president Prof. Mohammed Salman, Welfare party of India President DR. Syed Qasim Rasul Ilyas,  Journalist Sohail Anjum editor daily Khabrain Hasim Syed and the son of late Maulana Dr. Syed Safi Athar.