Gujarat Court accepted the conditional bail plea of Hyderabad-based cleric Maulana Abdul Qavi on Thursday. He was arrested by Detection Crime Brach (DCB) Ahmedabad, Gujarat on the charges of alleged anti-national activities and keeping contact with wanted terrorist. Earlier POTA special court had rejected his bail plea. The division bench of justices A S Dave and Mohinder Pal pronounced the order granting bail to Qavi on the condition that he must record his presence at the nearest police station every month, surrender his passport to the police and submit a personal bond of Rs.50,000.
It must be recalled that Maulana Abdul Qavi rector Madrasa Ashraful Uloom, Sayeedabad was arrested on March 24 this year by DCB officials from Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. He was accused of hatching conspiracy to wage war against the nation to take revenge for 2002 Godhra riots.
Maulana will be released from Sabarmati Jail within two days.
Siasat news