Mathura: Lawyers boycotting the proceedings of Chief Judicial Magistrate Anju Rajput’s court and another court, on Thursday decided to resume their appearance before them.
The Mathura Bar Association members, who have been shunning appearance before the two courts, decided to revoke the boycott after an intervention by District Judge Sadhna Rani Thakur.
The bar association has decided to lift the boycott, resorted to for over a week in the protest of the manner of their functioning, said Mathura Bar Association president Sushil Sharma.
The decision was taken after District Judge Thakur had a meeting with the Bar association office bearers and its senior members during which she requested lawyers to lift their boycott, he said.
She also promised that the two judicial officers whose courts were being boycotted by lawyers since November 5 would be “more careful” while dealing with the members of the bar, he said.