Massive hailstorm hits 3 mandals of Rangareddy

A freak hail storm struck Rangareddy district on Tuesday night blanketing the streets of its three mandals. This was a never before experience for the residents of Chevella, Moinabad and Shankarpally mandals. Hail stones with the size of boulders rained from the sky, destroying crops, damaging houses and killing cattle. Unconfirmed reports say that nine people were killed in the freak weather.

By morning the affected area was looking like a valley in Kashmir. According to locals hailstorm began at 8:30 in the night with thunder and lightering and continued for 15 minutes. Thick blanket of ice covered everything which did not melt till the next day. The unusual hailstorm battered the roads leaving them broken.

Doctors have warned that vector borne diseases are likely to spread. A scientist said “It is a completely unusual phenomenon and hailstorm like this often occurs when clouds rise above the height of over 10 km. It is a rare thing which has happened.”

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