Tel Aviv: The Israeli occupation on Palestinian land has brought huge problems for the people living there, specifically Palestinian Arabs. It has become a common sight of Israeli military intruding into houses and dragging people onto the streets.
Adult individuals, including children are detained illegally by the Israeli military that harass the innocent people by kicking them with boots and confining them in cages for days without food. The Palestinian Arabs are subjected to various kinds of inhuman treatment which leave them physically and mentally ill. They are then released without any charges.

The barbaric treatment of Israeli military over the innocent and helpless Palestinians has created an atmosphere of fear, anger and hatred. Such kinds of acts will prolong the conflicts and peace process becomes dead-locked.

One such story is of a 12 year old boy named Abdullah Dwaik, who was returning to his home from his Grandparent’s house. On the way he was detained by the Israeli military illegally and was subjected to exploitation and harassment. The Israeli military has beaten him and threatened him to spell other boys names, otherwise his father would be killed and his house will be demolished. The brave boy did not reveal any name. Later he was released without any charges.