Lebanon: Saad al Hariri, a second time elected PM of Lebanon surprised a young woman with a marriage proposal live on television in an event at Beirut Center for Exhibitions and Conferences.
The event was organized by Free Trade Sector which was attended by hundreds of people.
After addressing his speech, the Lebanese PM called out for Dina Drawish from the audience to come on stage.

As can be seen in the video the beautiful lady seemed confused but walks up to the stage and greeted by Saad al-Hariri.
Then comes the guy Bilal al-Meer who reads out an emotional poem from his cell written by for Dina. When he is done, Saad al- Hariri asks Dina what does she has to say about the marriage proposal beautifully written in the form of a poem by Bilal. She gives her acceptance by nodding her head.
The young man Bilal al-Meer then kneels down to put the ring on her that he brought for Dina.
To that the PM says “Anyone else wants to get married?”, as reported in Al Arabiya.