Marc Jacobs weds longtime boyfriend

New York: Fashion designer Marc Jacobs is now married to his longtime boyfriend Charly Defrancesco here.

They wed on Saturday, Jacobs revealed in an Instagram post and Instagram story, according to

The designer posted a photo of a diamond and onyx penguin pin attached to a suit jacket, with a wedding ring in full view, which he said was a gift to himself and Defrancesco from Miu Miu and Prada design director Fabio Zambernardi.

“Penguins have only one partner and mate for life. A great example of faithfulness and fidelity. So grateful to you and love you so much dear Fabio,” Jacobs wrote in the caption.

On his Instagram story, Jacobs included well wishes from friends including Marc Jacob publicist Michael Ariano, stylist and Love founding editor-in-chief Katie Eleanor Grand and Irish artist Genieve Figgis.

“Tonight these two sweethearts are getting married,” Jacobs’ former fiance Lorenzo Martone wrote in an Instagram story showing a photo of Defrancesco and Jacobs.

The designer proposed almost exactly a year ago in a Chipotle via flash mob that performed to Prince’s “Kiss”, which he revealed in a video posted on Instagram.

The fashion designer and the candle-maker began being seen in public three years ago.
