MANUU pays rich tributes to Gopi Chand Narang

Hyderabad: School of Languages, Linguistics & Indology, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) organized a condolence meeting and paid rich tributes to Prof. Gopi Chand Narang, eminent scholar, literary critic, theorist and a world renowned authority on Urdu language and literature, who passed away on Wednesday in the US.

Prof. Narang was closely associated with MANUU from it’s formative years as the Member of it’s first Executive Council. In recognition of Gopi Chand Narang’s services for promoting Urdu language and literature, MANUU had also conferred an honorary doctorate on him in 2009 at its third convocation.

Prof. S.M. Rahmatullah, Pro Vice Chancellor in his condolence message described Gopi Chand Narang as beacon of Urdu language and literature and his demise is a great loss to the Urdu world.

Prof. Aziz Bano, Dean, School of Languages, read out a condolence resolution on behalf of the university. Prof. Farooq Bakhshi, Head, Department of Urdu said that the demise of Gopi Chand is a great loss and Urdu world has lost a legendary figure who nurtured the language and literature.  Dr. Abu Shaheem Khan and Dr. Kahkashan Latif also spoke.

Prof. Shahid Naukhez Azmi, Prof. Salman Ahmad Khan and other faculty members also attended the meeting.