Hyderabad: The Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) organized an online event to launch the “Best Logo” of “Bicentenary Logo Design Competition”.
Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice Chancellor, released the logo yesterday evening as part of the first event of “Karwaan-e-Urdu Sahafat –-Celebrating 200 years of Urdu Journalism: 1822 -2022’’.
Prof. Hasan while congratulating the Department for initiating the celebration emphasized on the need to promote Urdu journalism. He also praised the contribution of the department in compiling the relevant content related to Urdu journalism in the form of short films. A short film and video messages of eminent personalities for celebrations were also released on the occasion.
Nazish Ullah, MA Persian (AMU) from Allahabad and now based at Kolkata, was declared winner of the competition for best logo design highlighting the theme ‘200 years of Urdu Journalism’. She received winning amount of Rs 10,000. She thanked the university for providing the opportunity to the budding artists to display their talents. Total 48 entries were received from different parts of India.
The panel of four members – Prof. Iftekhar Ahmad, Former Director, AJK MIRC, JMI & FTII, Pune & Director, SMCJ, Patna, Bihar, Mr. Sohail Hashmi, Filmmaker, Historian, Writer, New Delhi, Syed Tanveer Tahir, Assistant Professor, Graphic and Animation, FTII, Pune and Dr. Atul Sinha, Assistant Professor, Graphic and Animation, AJK MCRC, JMI, New Delhi short listed the entries for the competition.
Prof. Sk. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Registrar, MANUU was also present.
Prof. Ehtesham Ahmad Khan, Dean, School of MCJ, said that main intention is to engage the youth and to make them aware about the glorious past and future possibilities in Urdu Media. The department affirms to bring all the Urdu journalism promoters and lovers at one platform.