Maulana Azad National Urdu University’s staff cricket team has entered the semi final of All India Vice-Chancellor’s T-20 Cricket Tournament. According to the information received from Jammu, MANUU team has defeated Ludhiana University Team by 4 wickets in the quarter final played today.
Ludhiana Team batting first was bundled out for a partly 99. MANUU’s speed star Shaik Mohiuddin created havoc in the Ludhiana camp with his devastating spell of pace bowling. He claimed 4 wickets and was declared man of the match.
Abdul Muqreed claimed 3 and Mohammad Asrar Alam took 2. In reply MANUU staff team with the help of a solid 32 by captain and Manager Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Khan reached the target with the loss of 6 wickets. Mahesh K. (22) and Mohammed Saleem (21) also made major contributions. MANUU staff team will clash with the host University of Jammu tomorrow in the semi final.