Jaipur: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday received the JKLU Laureate Award 2019 for his exemplary contribution in public service, governance, redefining economy and nation building by JK Lakshmipat University (JKLU).
Singh shared his vision and insights on ‘Strengthening Roots of Democracy in India’ while delivering the ‘Hari Shankar Singhania Memorial Oration’, to commemorate the contributions of JKLU’s first Chancellor Hari Shankar Singhania.
“I am delighted to receive the J K Lakshmipat University Laureate Award and deliver the Memorial Oration. I knew Late Hari Shankar Singhania as a pioneer captain of industry and philanthropist, and the Singhania family as the leaders of the well-known J K Organisation. They have contributed to India’s development for 125 years across industries, including education and healthcare. Only a handful of people can claim more than a century of continuous service to the nation,” said Singh after receiving the award.