Manikonda Jagir Case: Alam Pasha highlights need of review petition

Hyderabad: The founder of Helping Citizen A Alam Pasha has always highlighted the need for Muslim people’s rights and entitlement in the Supreme Court and Karnataka high court.

Amongst 180 such cases against the corrupted and communal politicians, now, many are facing criminal trials and few accused ex-chief ministers are before Supreme Court seeking a stay, etc.

He is more concerned when the Muslim leaders have allowed the wakf properties in favor of their own choice of groups throughout without fear of Allah.

Recently, he visited Hyderabad and was shocked to learn 1600 acres of Muslim ancestors’ properties under the Telangana Waqf board, the value of which is worth more than a lakh crore has been decided in favor of the Telangana govt. He was also surprised to learn that the crucial land titles and the original gazette publication of the said 1600 acres are not supported before the Supreme Court of India by the Telangana Waqf board.

The intentional strategy of not supporting with the valid gazette notifications of the said 1600 acres is the combined strategy adopted by the authorities concerned in the waqf board.

The justice will be made to combat the inequality against the community by our own community leaders, Mr.Alam Pasha opines. He has abundant hopes on the judiciary in this matter.

After a long duration of Apex Court judgment, the Muslim community has not yet pleaded before the Supreme Court under review petition before the apex court which shows the negligence about the rights of the poor Muslims of Telangana.

The curable mistakes may seriously be considered by the highest court of India if at all, the oppressed Muslim community pleads before the court within the time prescribed under law.

So Alam Pasha solicits the waqf authorities concerned and aggrieved Muslims, to present a review petition well within the time as judiciary and justice will never support the inequality and oppression amongst the weaker sections.

Alam Pasha also emphasized the fact that the Ulemas and Muslims without any division should join together under a single umbrella under the circumstances to plead before the Supreme Court.

Alam Pasha’s contact details are:

Mobile: 98440 14225
Address: No. 674, 9TH Main, 1st Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore-560038