Hero surgeon who had spent hours saving the lives of victims of the Manchester bombing was racially abused on his way back to hospital, it has been reported.
Naveed Yasin, a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who had spent 48 hours saving lives, was driving back to the Salford royal hospital to continue to help blast victims when a van driver pulled up beside him and hurled abuse, according to the Sunday Times.
The surgeon whilst stuck in traffic saw a van veering towards him, horn blaring. The white, middle-aged driver then lowered his window and yelled obscenities at Yasin.
“You brown, Paki bastard. Go back to your country, you terrorist. We don’t want you people here. Fuck off!,” the driver said.
The surgeon, who was born and brought up in Keighley, West Yorkshire and lives in Manchester with his wife and two daughters.
“I can’t take away the hatred he had for me because of my skin colour … and the prejudices he had associated with this. Manchester is better than this. We Mancunians will rebuild, we will rebuild the fallen buildings, the broken lives and the social cohesion we once had” Yasin said to the media.
He and his family could have been caught up in the bombing themselves as they had considered going to the Ariana Grande concert as his eldest daughter is a big fan. In the end they decided not to because the event was on a school night.
“It so easily could have been us,” he said. “Terror attacks don’t discriminate against race or religion but this [the racial abuse] didn’t discriminate either.”
“I and my colleagues found working on the victims of Monday’s suicide bombing at Manchester Arena, which left 22 dead, an ‘extremely profound and traumatising experience’,” said Yasin.
“The injuries patients have had include horrific [damage] to limbs, typical bomb-blast type injuries. Open fractures. Patients had penetrated injuries from shrapnel. It’s soul-destroying to see what the families involved are going through. And as a father, what I have witnessed is horrific.”