Hyderabad: In an appalling incident occurred at Habeeb Nagar near Dargah Yousufain a man was injured in stabbing.
According to sources, 35-year-old, Abdul Hafeez, R/O Subhan Pura, does decoration work. Yesterday night while passing by the Dargah Yousufain, talking on mobile phone, he crashed into another man named Afsar. Both had an altercation following which Abdul Hafeez allegedly assaulted Afsar. Afsar called his supporters on the spot, and with their help stabbed Hafeez.
The incident created stir in the area. Abdul Hafeez was rushed to the Gandhi Hospital in seriously injured state.
Inspector Habeeb Nagar Mr. Sanjay Kumar told that Hafeez is out of danger. Police is trying to nab the accused.
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