Bengaluru: A 24-year-old man on bike was intercepted by two miscreants on Mysore Road who attacked him and robbed him off his belongings said the Byatrayanapura Police who is now on the manhunt for the duo.
According to the initial reports, the victim identified as Sameer was returning after attending his friend’s birthday party in Nagarbhavi when the incident happened, DC reported.
The victim runs a mobile phone store and was accompanied by a woman friend on Sunday night when he was intercepted by two unknown miscreants who threatened him with a knife on Mysore road in FCI layout.
According to Sameer’s statement, when he was on his way to drop his friend in koramangala, the assaulters robbed him of his cellphone and Rs 11,000 before attacking him on his back and right leg around 3 am
The hospital authorities informed about the incident when sameer was brought to Victoria hospital.