Nizamabad: A 65-year-old woman at Nizamabad in Telangana was allegedly not allowed by her son to stay with him post her recovery from COVID-19 and the man relented only after being counselled by the police on Monday. The woman’s husband had deserted her after marrying another woman and she used to stay with the son, police said.
However, the woman and her daughter-in-law did not get along well and she was admitted to an old age home about a year ago, they said.
The woman and other senior citizens staying at the old age home had tested positive for COVID-19 and she has since recovered from the infection after taking treatment at a hospital, they said.
The old age home could not temporarily accommodate her and she came to her sons house to stay.
However, her daughter-in-law allegedly had reservations about the woman staying with them and the couple locked the house and left for Hyderabad, they said.
Left with no alternative, the old woman stayed in the premises of the house for the past three days, surviving on food provided by some people, they said.
After coming to know about the issue, police and other officials counseled the man on Monday and he has agreed to let his mother stay with him, police added.