A man in Uttar Pradesh received an electricity bill of Rs. 23 crore, for his home electricity connection of 2 kilowatts. The exact amount in the bill is Rs. 23,67,71,524.
Abdul Basit, a resident of Uttar Pradesh’s Kannauj was in a shock as he saw his electricity bill. The connection, enough to power a regular home, showed consumption of only 178 units of electricity.
While speaking to the ANI he stated that “It seems like I’ve received the entire bill of Uttar Pradesh, Even if I earn money for my entire life, I’ll still be unable to pay this huge amount.”
Executive engineer Shadab Ahmed said payment will be sought only after the bill is rectified.
He said “Due to some anomalies in reading such kinds of bills are being generated. It would be changed and meter reading will be taken again. Only after a bill is found correct, the consumer will be asked to pay for it.”