Man loses 70 kgs after surgery at Osmania Hospital in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: A 23-year-old man lost 70 kgs after undergoing laparoscopic bariatric surgery at Osmania General Hospital in Hyderabad within a span of two months.

The man, Thakur Mandira Singh who is a resident of Mahesh Nagar Colony, Hyderabad was admitted to the hospital for surgery as he was suffering from diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and fatty liver disease due to extreme obesity.

Due to medical reasons, it was necessary for him to under surgery. It is the first such surgery that is performed in a government hospital in Telangana.

The surgery that would have cost Rs 10 lakh in a private hospital in Hyderabad was performed free of cost in the Osmania Hospital. It was performed by a team of doctors led by the head of Surgical Gastroenterology, OGH, Dr Ch Madhusudhan.

As per the doctor, after laparoscopic mini gastric bypass surgery, he was on a liquid diet for one week. Currently, he is on a regular diet.

Doctors suggest surgery in extreme cases

According to surgeons, bariatric surgery should be performed after evaluation of the comorbid medical conditions and follow-up is also mandatory.

The surgery must be performed only in extreme cases, they added.

In the case of Thakur Mandira Singh, it was mandatory to perform the surgery as he was facing multiple health issues due to obesity.

Osmania General Hospital in Hyderabad

Osmania General Hospital is one of the oldest hospitals in Hyderabad. Located at Afzal Jung, it is named after Nizam VII Mir Osman Ali Khan.

Currently, it is run by the Telangana government.

Ever since the formation of Telangana State, the government is taking steps to upgrade the infrastructure at the government-run hospitals including Osmania Hospital in Hyderabad.